Saturday, February 19, 2011

Natural Organic Brown Stink Bug Control

After all the horror stories about pesticides like DDT, and the relatively new emphasis on "green" products, are there really any natural products that can help to control stink bugs? The answer is yes, absolutely! And since they are not toxic to humans or pets, it seems like the only logical way to go.  Brown Stink Bug control is not all that difficult once you know a bit about them.

Modern society has become so dependent upon chemicals of all sorts that it has all but forgotten that Nature provides a counter-agent for just about everything. In fact, many of our most successful man-made chemical products are based upon natural examples. But where man-made products often go against Nature, Organic products work with it - exploiting that which has been right in front of our eyes all along. So what has Mother Nature provided for us to control Stink Bugs?

Although our knowledge of Stink Bugs is still a bit limited, it has been determined that they don't like oily plants. They totally dislike plants like Chrysanthemums and Marigolds. So this tells us to plant these around our homes. They also have an aversion to things that smell of Thyme, Mint,Lavender or Garlic… all 100% natural and safe! They can be dispersed as a powder or in liquid form wherever you want to control pests.

Listed below are some natural oils that have proven to be very effective in controlling a variety of bugs - including our newcomer, the Stink Bug.

Canola Oil - Canola Oil actually kills a variety of insects.
Citronella Oil - Citronella Oil repels other insects as well as mosquitoes.
Jojoba Oil - Works as a barrier.
Mustard (also called allylisothio-cyanate) - Kills and/or repels a variety of insects.
Soybean Oil - Will kill beetles, mites and other insects.
Eucalyptus - Works as a repellant on many insects.
Cedarwood - Also works as a repellant.

So as you can see, dear old Mother Nature has not left us without ample resources. They are plentiful, cheap to buy, and easy to use. But more importantly, they are completely safe and effective. Oh yes, there is one other thing you should have available in the event that a Stink Bug gets inside your house, it's called a fly swatter!  It requires no special skills or certification and it's highly effective. 😊


1 comment:

  1. wow, I can get rid of those stink bugs that flew in our lamp. by the way, how much is the costs of that Eucalyptus?
